…Asking 20 questions as always that's me. The title comes from a muso most of us might have heard of even met around here in the Lowveld. If you were at the STRAB weekend at Blue Moon in October you would have seen him on stage with a guitar...in his lap. Notice in and not on his lap, why you ask well he plays lap side guitar, the Ben Harper way. To be honest here when I heard of Ben Harper, I couldn’t help thinking of the comedy series "My Family". I had to Google to find out that Ben Harper is a better cool guy, great music and funny enough I have been to parties in recent months that have played a few of his tunes.
But this is not Ben Harper I spoke to with a setting sun on the Blue Moon mountain, no this is Justin Swart, the lead singer and song writer for the new and upcoming band, The Post Conical Paperweights and solo artist. Justin (born on 8 December 1981) is not born local but from Cape Town, grew up in Durbanville which is neighbours of Bellville where famous rockers like Franscios van Coke (Fokoffpolisiekar/Van Coke Kartel), Jax Panik (yes believe it) and Jack Parow grew up. He told me that he was in school with Andrew Davenport from the band aKing "He was a real nerd, you can write that" Justin told me with a smile.
Started from a young age with both his grand father and father being musicians Justin was influenced by their music from a very young age. If you ever meet Justin you won't think that this man will write such powerful lyrics but at last I've spoken with serval people who enjoy his song writing as much as I do. He lists as his inspiration from bands like Ben Harper, The Dave Matthews Band and The Counting Crows.
On his website you can listen to some of his previous release songs like "Forgive me" and "Alone in the sunshine". 2009 saw the album "Brighter than the sun" and in 2010 "Under the willows of Babylon " both available to buy over his website. The new EP "Beautiful Day" will be release I'm told under the Post Colonial Paperweights. In August to raise awareness of the increasing of SA rhino's being poached, Justin Swart donated part of the sales on downloads from his website to the save the rhino project.
A rocker with love for the environment, bless his heart
Small Town Music: From reading on your website both your father and grandfather were and still are musicians. At what age did you start?
Justin Swart: Around the age of 6/7, my grandfather was the one who showed me a few chords on guitar but that was just playing around. From Std. 2 (Grade 4 in today terms - Ed) the whole Nirvana grunge scene came in with "Smells like the teen spirit" from there I got more serious about playing guitar. Practise makes perfect as they say.
STM: Yes Kurt and the boys are still legends to us teenagers of the 90's. What is the first song you ever played through?
JS: Another lonely day - Ben Harper
STM: Did your father music played an influence on yours?
JS: A lot, my dad played Eric Clapton to me when I was little. He is my hero but it has taken a lot of time and talent from him as well. He gave up his professional music career for me and if it wasn't for him I won't be sitting here with you answering these questions
Justin performing at STRAB Blue Moon weekend October 2011 |
STM: Shortly tell me about lap side guitar. I was fascinated when I saw you live in December 2010 at Barnyard with your guitar in your lap. It looks kind of difficult
JS: It's not difficult at all it just the law of the music. Ben Harper was a big influence since it's his chief instrument. Once again its practise makes perfect but no it's not complicated at all to play.
STM: When did you relocated to Barberton and why? Cape Town is such a beautiful city
JS: I moved to Barberton a few years ago because of a "Girl" to be quite honest. However, I have remained here because this (the Lowveld) is a beautiful place to live. Yes, Cape Town is a beautiful place and will always be my hometown, but I don't really feel the pain of not living there anymore too much because I still get to spend a lot of time there.
STM: You live and work in Barberton , what do you as a day time job? I remember you said something about your own studio
JS: Yes, I do live in Barberton , I own a studio called One Impilo (meaning one life) that does recording, mixing and mastering. I do also have other business interests.
Smook on lead with Justin in the background October 2011 |
STM: What do you think of the Lowveld music scene?
JS: It such an awesome place this area, I really love it here. Nelspruit got such abundance of talent; they need the locals to support them more.
STM: I agree with you there, move on from being one track minded. Do you have a favourite performing band or artist that you have seen on stage that is from the Lowveld?
JS: No One's Arc are a great performing band, I met them actully not in Nelspruit but on tour around 2008/2009 in Pretoria I think. I've also seen Voetstoots, Ewald of My Aching Monotone back then he was still with NoCane & Smook. But I still go back to No One's Arc they keep on going, they a great band for me.
STM: Tell me more about The Postcolonial Paperweights, How were they assembled and what is the energy between you all.
JS: Well firstly the name comes from (Ettiene) Smook; I felt they deserved more than my name you know to perform under 'Justin Swart' so that is our band name. The band consists of Smook on guitar, Faantie Martiz on bass, and Ettiene Uys on drums and me.
STM: After a hectic tour what is the first thing you do when you get home?
JS: The first thing I do is sit down with my daughter Millah! I love that child! She is my connection back to what really matters, and why I do what I do!
STM: What are your favourite and your least favourite thing about touring?
JS: Favourite: is certainly being on stage and performing for the people that have come out to see us, and secondly, the adventures with the boys! There is never a dull moment!
Least favourite: Fast food!
STM: Hahaha, yes I agree those boys are quite something. This being the Lowveld can you name your favourite places to hang out whenever it’s having a Sunday breakfast or a beer with some friends that makes you love this place?
JS: My favourite place to hang here is certainly my home! As is the case for most people that live here! Which is in my opinion why the locals don't really support local acts in any kind of mass when they perform, because they would rather be at home! Which I can understand! The sad thing though is that there is such a wealth of talent here, but a reasonably small future for them locally. Otherwise, I like to hang at Casterbridge!
STM: Where can events managers and other organisers get a hold of the Postcolonial Paperweights?
JS: They can e-mail us on management@justinswart.com since we manage ourselves
STM: All lead singers are the lookers and catch the ladies eyes, are you available?
JS: (Smiles) No not available, sorry girls
STM: Where can people find out more about upcoming gigs and more info on you?
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Faantie Maritz, Ettiene Uys, Ettiene Smook, STM & Justin Swart Blue Moon October 2011 |
I really want to thank Justin again for sitting down with me over a whisky (well he had whisky I had R&R) an hour before his show. He is really cool guy so if you ever at a gig take some time out and speak to him. He can follow him on Twitter & Faantie is on there as well. Make sure you like his page to get the latest updates on their upcoming tour in December.
While I am on the subject of the lack of support for our national acts in this town, Freshly Ground are currently on their 10 years in the industry tour and Nelspruit was obvious one of the choices to come play at since they have always received posetive feed back from fans. Not this time however Hilltop Live productions had cancelled the show that was supposed to be on 10 November due to a lack of tickets sales. I'm dissapointed Nelspartans, money is tight but is this how you want to treat internationals in the making artits? Didn't think so
So as a friendly reminder that the twins of Locnville will be performing at Blue Moon on the 26th of November! You can go to the Moon website and check out the details, click to like the page from there and follow them on Twitter. I want to see Nelsparta party like there is no tomorrow on the rock!
Also thank you again for the compliments on the blog and the interviews, please I value you the reader input and if you have any suggestions or want any me to ask any of our local artists some questions please don't hesitate to give me a shout over Twitter or email or Facebook!
Peace and love!
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