Thursday, 24 May 2012


For those non South Africans, babelas is an Afrikaans word used by one who had a heavy night of partying and drinking waking up with a huge hangover. You get different forms of babelas like slaap babelas, drank babelas and the list can go on. But as most of you know my subject lines comes from song titles and this one is from a band named Piksteel, the 2nd longest running band in Nelsparta and also my 3rd interview with rock stars. Hennie Coetzee I met when I was 18 and fresh, I went with them to Blue Moon for the first time and then what he can remember is me working with his eldest at a restaurant years ago…

Piksteel have been around pretty much forever (more or less 12 years), 2 Demo CD’s and an album later they still making music. Their inspiration comes from all round especially Hennie and his wife Mattie extended vinyl collection. Over the years I’ve known the band I have known the many band members that has come and gone. Many braai vleis and beer (also brandy and whiskey) has flown in between and some bike rally’s, Innibos events and Blue Moon gigs. Piksteel currently has 3 members, Hennie Coetzee on guitar and vocals, he drinks brandy and coke. Hannes Duvenage is on bass guitar and vocals, he drinks brand and coke and then Justin Behrendt is on drums and he drinks Black Label. Hennie and Hannes are the founding members, the only 2 original members of the band. Piksteel believes in making original music for the people, no back tracks, no special sound effect equipment running just them, their instruments and the of course the crowd.

They sing mostly Afrikaans but do cover a few good old rock tunes we all know, anyone who saw them at AgterStoep in April can tell you that their covers and original tunes was well received. Each year they play at the Toy Run – where bikers collect soft toys for the needy children in our area and bring it all together at the Lowveld Show Grounds – they have played at Innibos a few years running and of course Blue Moon, G-Spot, the Paradise and ET Rally’s and many more places around.
I sat down at Hennie bar in his home in Nelsparta on a public holiday to ask him some of the burning questions I had that I never asked them.

Hennie and Hannes at Blue Moon 2012 - Photo STM
STM: Where did you and Hannes meet each other?

Hennie: I saw him with the band he played previously with at Paddy’s Traven (it’s still open located on the N4 just past the Shoprite shopping centre in town – Ed), I think the band was called Walk With Me and I thought he was pretty good. Then later on I was playing just randomly my guitar in C-Sharp music shop and Hannes walked in with his bass and amp wanting to sell it. The story goes that (after Hannes has sold his guitar and amp) he decided to join Hennie in forming a Afrikaans rock band and bought a better bass and amp! 

STM: Where was Piksteel first gig?

Hennie: At The G-Spot on the Kaapchehoop Road. It was bulldozed years ago but its memories still remain.

Yes I know, the pieces of it is still in your bar here. The sad thing is I was never there and I keep on hearing other memories from there. Man why oh why…anyway

STM: Which was the biggest event or crowd you played for?

Hennie: 30 000 people at Naas, close to Komatipoort. It was a government event and it was craze, the people loved us. Afterwards there was such a long line of people who bought CD’s and wanted meet us.  

STM:  Liewe ouers that is a lot of people! There has been a lot of member changes over the years, as it goes with this industry, who is the one guy that stands out?

Hennie: Robert “Robby” Flick – he is extremely funny guy, you know making jokes and such. Very popular around town, our house was always filled with people for braai’s and he is a good drummer of course.

STM: Who is your biggest supporter(s)?

Hennie: Mattie my wife, Alida (Hannes wife), Maritha and you when do come to our gigs. (laughs) 

STM:  I’ve missed a few I’m sorry but you know that I do support even if I just stand in the back ground with a beer in hand. Who sets up your playlist? How do you decide?

Hennie: I usually do it but we read he crowd. If the crowd like hearing us cover Clearance Water then we do that but we do play our own songs always. Of course original is better still, we do it for the fun (the music) we don’t ask for much but we enjoy it.

Justin Beherendt - photo by Looklocal Lowveld

STM: From your original songs which is the best crowd response?

Hennie: ReĆ«nmense ( years ago they did a duet with Chantelle of Green Blue Fish – amazing song)

STM: Any news on a new album?

Hennie: Yes we actually saving up to record a new one, we ready for one it just takes time to do so.
Yes recording is very expensive especially when you have to do it on our own.

STM: Next gig?

Hennie: We playing at AgterStoep on 1 June and not sure about our next gigs

AgterStoep is located on Sonpark Boulevard (yes behind Cicada and the BP garage) at the coffee shop Die Stoep. Keep an eye on the press for more details on the upcoming rock gig

STM: You still drink brandy and coke

Hennie: (Laughs) you know we do but Justin he likes his beer, Black Label especially

Hennie Coetzee - photo courtsey of Hennie Coetzee

STM: I ask all the muso’s this but which is your favourite local and national band? 

Hennie: Locally it must be Glibrater and nationally its Chris Chameleon which is an excellent performer and Karen Zoid

If you see the name Piksteel you are now informed by this blog, so go out and support them. Even though they are not playing at the Paradise Rally this year it's still a good idea to support them at AgterStoep

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