Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Master of puppets - A tribute to Pieter van der Walt

By Marley

We get so busy in our own lives that sometimes we forget about each other. Again I sit here to relay the sad news of the passing of well known local metal-head; Metallica fan and metal band C4's front man, Pieter van der Walt

An avid Blue Moon supporter, this big guy, with his big arms, ordering a Black Label at the bar, one would expect him to have a deep bellowing voice but he didn't. Instead he had a smooth and soft voice unless he was laughing. I think the mountain’s around Blue Moon shook a couple of times from his laughter.

He stood out on stage among his fellow band members that have come and gone over the years. The last time I saw him on stage was at the last Metal Fest Blue Moon hosted in 2008. After a fellow metal head had a bike accident most of the metal bands here called it a day while others continued on in other parts of the country. One thing I can’t forget about him was his mic stand, so very unique, a chain mic stand. He made it himself and was very proud of that fact. 

I can’t say much about Pieter, I've known and seen him around over the years and whenever I ran into him he always greeted me warmly and if time permitted, would stop for a chat to hear how I was doing.

From all of us here at STM blog our sincerest condolences go out to Pieter's family, close friends and co-workers. It is definitely not an easy road to walk right now but know that his legend lives on in our memories, photos, minds and hearts. 

To the metal community: may his mayhem, presence and voice remain in the stage of your memory.

Let’s get the speakers out, crank up the volume, and blast Metallica“Master of Puppets”  one last time while head-banging in honour of this gentle giant.


Rest in peace dear brother

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