Monday, 7 March 2011


It's season, we submit our votes again for these politicians, autumn are near and of course we slowly crawling towards the first Blue Moon gig! Yes I can breath again, 26 March 2011 Kick Off Party will see the rock gods being raised again with Voetstoots, No One's Arc, Guns ‘n Posers (a tribute band to Guns 'n Roses) and SA DC Tribute (a tribute band to AC/DC). The last mentioned actully sounds similar (if not on the dot!) like the old school boys. The first time I saw them live I had to take a double take to see that was not Angus Young singing. I'm looking forward to this gig (besides our locals playing) as I think it's going to be a "gun blast / kick in the ass / so paranoid / watch your back!" (Shinedown - Sound of Madness)

It's a slightly late happy birthday to metal head, Mark Paxton (which were the 4th of March), sorry that I could join you for that beer but did cheers to you later on that evening.

I've been living like gypsy now for almost a week. I'm half way out my old flat back to the old neighbourhood with the two cats and have chickens for neighbours. I hate those chickens! You can time that cock(s) at every single morning, I need sleep man! Not a cock-el-dooly-doo!!! But at least I think I will settle for another few months until I can get some more cash. This life (style) is hectic one and if the travelling that I might be doing falls into place then I just have to suck it up!

I must say our town has been really quite, too quite BUT if you don't know about the little gigs you might just miss it. Once again Pappas Sunday sessions have turned into a ritual attendance by me (and few other regular faces). Last week we had Ewald and Smook on guitar with Ruan joining in with his drum. This past Sunday we had the pleasure of regular sessioneer Sol with Smook and Renier grabbing his bass and joining in. Next time you see Smook please donate him some guitar strings as he broke 2 in one session.

As we sat enjoying our sangria, Dylan showed up, yes the man just spend the weekend flying 20 hours back from Finland, true legend and rock star. We'll catch him on tour soon again with the rest of the Acre’s at Blue Moon, Splasy Fen and Cape Town round again. I hope that NOA will be able to tour a bit of Gauteng and KZN this year as well as their music is really catching up with a lot of people. You never know we might just see them nominated in the MK awards for best new comer next year (that is a real fan hope). Plus those drives to Cape Town and back are a looooooonnnnnnnnngggggggg one. While we are on the subject make sure to take a stroll on their brand new website! Yes it's awesome with info, pictures, and videos and and...What you waiting for?

And for those who are not into their rock as much I am I got some good news for you. On Friday I was at a proper dance club in Nelspruit. Yes, no more "Hokaai! Stop die lorrie" or "Baby Chojiklits" (Thank goodness). Legends Cafe opened up recently and is situated at Central Park which is next to the testing grounds here in Nelsparta. Legends Cafe are a pub/club/restaurant with pictures of legends like Marilyn Monroe, Bob Marley, Boy Dylan, Queen and so many old stage and screen legends (hence the name). The alcohol is cheap-cheap (R 10 a beer) and DJ Donovan and DJ Ramon played last Friday night. Minette did some serious social networking via FB and Jock&Java to get the people there but not everyone knew where it was. So next time when you want to "Dans! Dans! Dans! Ek wil vokken dans!" (Jack Parow ft Franscios van Coke) drag your sexy ass down to Legends Cafe, keep an eye out for productions of Zero13, DJ Don & Ramon if you into the whole dance scene, just search "The Candy Jar" and/or "Zero13" on the social networks. No more Stalle!

This Wednesday night you can take drive up the hill to Lions Pub in White River for yet another session with Sol. Please don't give me the excuse "I didn't know about it" or "It's too far man" - if you are hungry enough for live music then you WILL make a plan. Really Lions is an awesome little pub situated on a prime corner of White River. Their steak are excellent and their beers cold. Pull in, no cover charge and come support some of our local talent. I promise you, you won't be the only there supporting because Minette and I will be there!

The next Drumming Circle are happening on the 19th of March at Legogote Lodge in White River, R 30 gets you in and no private liquor (sorry peeps) but there will be a cash bar and food for sale (for that midnight munchies), you can go onto FB and join In Unity We Drum group or contact Raquel on 0847823230. If you never been to one of these drumming cessions seriously look at going, it's such an experience and you can wear you jeans and tekkies; tie-dye of course are always welcomed so are anyone.

Other news, I must send congrats out to all the winners of the MK Awards 2011, Prime Circle of course won "Best International Break Through" which is a HUGE honour (and my vote). While we (Minette, Lee and I) were watching this freak show I couldn't help but to yell in my head to those girls with the HUGE wigs "Fall down! Fall down!" Would have been an instant YouTube hit! Dumpass awards to the evening are the make up to the ego MC girl; WTF was on her eye laces?? The international model couldn't decide in what accent to speak in. The chicka who won the Hyundai, you were so excited that you nearly climb into the car from the wrong side or maybe it was Twakkie outfit that over blown you (his and Cornè outfit gave me nightmares). And last but not least one of the best live performance on the evening had to go Prime Circle (and the great camera work from the production, loved the slow motion effect), Zebra & Giraffe proofed why they sound check for an hour - perfection. Jack Parow with Shorty, great idea to give the hard working hip hop dancers a break - I'm glad Jack wore a suite, wonder which PEP stores did he bought it from? And I finally know what Jax Panix look like, thanks for “Dinosaur” gets stuck in my head just typing it. If I can submit another potential newbie nomination for next year it will Captain Stu, still I'm thinking of their show and dude it is seriously good.

In a few weeks I will be reporting on the Kick Off Party and all the little things that will be happening. Keep an eye out on the net for reviews, photos and videos of the RAMfest that happened this past weekend. You might have spotted our bossman, Anthony, with his funky outfit in the Cape Town leg of this year fest. Also “Where Blues meets Rock” show went down, been seeing a lot of Kobus (The Black Cat Bones) jumping up & down on photos as well as Jack Hammer & Akkedis doing a few rounds.

Till later muso’s and fans! Rock on

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