Tuesday, 15 March 2011


"You stumble in/and bumped your head/if it was not for me/then you'll be dead"

I simply start off by saying that the glass sliding doors at the Blue Moon main house are super strong, it didn't brake when I was playing “Superwoman” and run straight into it. I'm suffering of the whiplash and head aches two days later now.

I know that I did submit some kind of something a week or so ago but I can't help myself in the case of the "Blue Moon Team Building" event that happen somewhere between the weekend and now. At first it was a tuff call in between other pre booked events and the team building but I felt that Anthony had spoken even before UTC about getting together and needed my attendance. After an incident on the Friday night at the Moon we couldn't help but to be there.

It was simple, arrive around bring our own chop and dop (Pete spoiled us with a few loose beers and cold drinks) and have a good time. Oh boy...

We create our own "tasks" as the night progressed into building the team spirit (we got spirit yes we do!). Not to mention too much but there was:

- Swimming across the dam and steal the neighbour boat thing
- Mountaineering (day and night)
- Survive the Titanic
- Braai challenge
- Swim by night
- Do a night "fun walk"
- Singing
- And lastly warm Jaagmymeester

The afternoon flew past us after we all decided where we going to sleep (hopefully) you know "I dips the top bunk!" kind of thing, have a rocker arrived in the form of Ewald (the rest seemed to have gotten lost in Nelsparta somewhere). In the end we were almost 20 people (with baby sitters as well to the underage), listening to music, jumping in the pool and taking some pictures for future Rolling Stones editions. After we won the cricket match to India (by the skin of our noses) we really let loose. Eddie made a big bowl of Titanic, a bottle of Jaagmymeester made an appearance and Anthony made a disappearance to bed.

Well into the night in the swimming pool the suggestion of going down to the dam in search of those dolphins Anna Mart spoke about last year came up. Instead of being clever people and using the dirt road we "sny 'n lyn" down the mountain "goat path" to the dam. Facebook was replaced by a face plant, shins was eaten by rock edges and muscles worked like never before. I must give ourselves credit, this was all done with out flash lights and only our memory saved us from tumble ling totally down the mountain. Anyway we all made it to the jetty, some trying to take a short cut through the reeds (ouch) but never the less there we were under a quarter moon listening to the fishes jumping and watching a bush buck running for her life.

After our little mountaineering course we walked up via the dirt road under the stars. Amazing to stare at those stars I always seem to miss while working but then again it's either over cast or the middle of winter and I do have my tent so no need to count stars. Back at the main house some didn't even realised we were gone and back but it was time for bed. When we left for the dam it was just after we got back at , some of the A-Team members crashed to sweet dreams and the rest had a party next to the pool.

Sunday morning came down, woke up early to help clear our mess we left behind. Found Oom Niel next to the pool for his beauty sleep and realised that Ewald drove home somewhere in the early hours of the sun rise. After light rain and the bodies slowly waking up we watched some Up The Creek photos that was put together by Anna Mart and Frank with some hectic comments. Breakfast was prepared by Beanie, Sune and Chantal with Doc and Anthony discussing STRAB (that is later this year check out the event on your right hand side of the page) and we all slowly packing up.

Breakfast served with those Blue Moon chips (VIP special ek sê - ask any artist who has eaten breakfast there), some left over braai meat, Russians (the sausages not the vodka), cheese, toast and eggs. The first beer was cracked open in mother of can Castle but it went down very very slowly. I'm glad to see that the cries of help from the rest of Uitkyk have not fallen on deaf ears and the road to Blue Moon is looking good. Let's hope it doesn't rain hard very soon. No excuse NOT to come on the 26th of March.

On a TOTALLY different note (again) I was asked by Oom Niel to attend this great party.
As you have read in the past (and in our circle of friends) about Dirkie van der Merwe bike accident. His golf day was held this past Friday and from the sounds of it, it was a total success. Oom Niel has teamed up with Anna Mart in organising a dance party for Dirkie at Oewersig Hall (that is close to Stables...okay the old hengelklub...FM I will Google map it for you) on the 9th April 2011 starts at . Oom Niel is also opening a real club soon in Nelsparta but details on that is to follow.

To the information on the flyer's handed to me:

DrinkToCosta presents

From the City of Gold, SA's very own DJ Jazzy D with Danny Goodman. Bringing you the best re-mixes SA's got to offer. Join DrinkToCosta for a magic evening you will remember forever.

DJ Jazzy D is bringing his own sound, lasers and special effects.

We promise you an experience unknown to Nelspruit

* TOP DJ *

Buy your tickets now for an evening that just gives on giving with lucky draws, cash bar, baby sitting on prior arrangement and dance!!

Date: 9 April 2011 Venue: Oewersig Hall
Time: Gates opens @ 7
            Music starts @ 8
Cost: R100
Dress code: a dash of pink.

No tickets will be sold at the gate.

You buy these tickets from Oom Niel on 082 357 0641 (and few others). Alternatively you can leave a comment, a tweet, a face plant I mean facebook to me and I will connect you the party line!

Girls don't forget about National Cleavage Day on the 26th of March! I'm sending out a challenge to each and every girl that is attending the Kick Off Party @ Blue Moon to wear her cleavage with pride and a pink ribbon(s) in support of Breast Cancer. Let's make the boys happy and enjoy our womanhood which makes us the unique species that we are. All in taste of course and we will forgive you if are a bit shy ;o) 

So from this glass door disaster of a bartender I'm sending you peace and love till after the 26th of March!

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