Monday, 4 April 2011

"Go on now, tuck it in"

*Lyric line out of "Rock Show" by No One's Arc

Hey-Hey people,

Thanks so much for all the views on the last posting, I didn't expect such a reading. From this humble bar tender to the South Africa (and the world) thank you for the support!

Today I'm just giving you updates on gigs happening in Nelsparta, in Cape Town (yes we do stretch there as well) and what you can expect soon from my side. My only gig I did attend this weekend was our regular Sunday night session at Pappas with Sol & Fanie, you can catch live music there every Sunday from 18:00 pm

First things first I've blogged about the DrinkToCosta party happening on the 9th of April 2011. This is now changed as from last weekend. DJ Dazzy will not be able to attend this party and thus the event organisers have made some changes. New Date! New Line Up! New Ticket price!

Venue: Oewersig Hall (the Hengel klub - check my Google map under events)
Date: Friday, 8 April 2011
Price: R 50 p/p
Dress code: A dash of PINK
R 10 of each ticket sale will still go to the Dirkie van der Merwe Recovery Fund
Buy your tickets from Oom Niel on 0823570641
I'm not sure about the line up but I'm pretty sure Oom Niel has got something big planned.

Then if you happen to be in Cape Town this week watch out for No One's Arc Road Trippin! Yes, our boys (Mimi stayed behind in Pretoria due to school) are playing up a storm in the Western Cape area. They were at Raka Fest on Saturday and according to their FB status it seemed like one hell of good party - they thanked all - plus they mentioned something about sleeping in pouring rain with out tent while still travelling down (need to check your memory Dylan or was it Bongs again?). Never mind I'm sure we will soon hear more memories and expecting to see some great photography.

Here are details to their next gigs before they return to Nelsprata:

Thursday, 07 April 2011
1 Victoria Street
Stellenbosch, South Africa
with Wrestlerish
It's free entrance and starts at 19:00
Go to for information
Friday 8 April 2011
@ Mercury Live
43 De Villiers Street, Zonnebloem
Cape Town, South Africa
With The Rudimentals
Starts at 20:00
It's NOA will be making their debut appearance so go out and scream out their name!
Go to Mercury Live and while you at it check out The Rudimentals web site as well

Back at home soil we soon will have the SASOL RALLY travelling through the Lowveld and it's always a pretty big party. The whole weekend is just race cars, racing drivers, mud, plantations, crowds, beer and good music! And of course the local talent have been asked to perform at the end of the White River leg of the rally; here follows the details!

SASOL Rally After Party
@ Lions Pub & Grill, White River
Friday, 15 April 2011
Starts at 19:00 till late
Line up: Gibraltar, Voetstoots & No One's Arc!

Apparently there will be a stage build in the parking lot of Lions Pub and anyone who has ever attended the SASOL White River leg will know how craze parking is going to be. My advice, car pool! Yes, I'm pretty sure the Cops will be at hand and those every ready "car guards" will be showing parking spots, make sure it's legal parking!!! No one wants a pink slip from the Metro cops. Get there early, be aware of your surrounding and go enjoy a good party!

The Blue Moon is all quite this April but in May we will be having the Musikale Mania, check out the event details on the right hand side of the page. Also Blue Moon is looking for a guard dog to look after our boss men, not a Great Dane but something that will be aware. Must not bark at nothing but for something, semi sober habits, must love rock music, must be friendly (otherwise we are going to have unhappy artists) and must clean up after itself...that's pushing it? Know of any thing then please give Blue Moon a shout on

Peace & Love!

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