Monday, 4 July 2011

Shine Your Light at By Die Maan - Innibos 2011

By Marley

Thank goodness it’s Monday, yes never thought you’ll hear that out of my mouth but I’m glad for once it is Monday. Back to normal after being so Innibos for a week most of you were there, most of you supported Blue Moon and for that I thank you. If you guys didn’t support a festival like Innibos we as Nelsparta will never have seen something like that. Arts in all forms are worthy the support especially South African arts.

For you who do follow me @STMFan on Twitter you would have seen I tweeted between serving the clientèle of awesomeness and taking photos on Friday night. I must say you guys certainly were hungry for some decent par-ty. However for me I have a case of the flu so my par-ty wasn’t as good as it should have been. The only time I did however Innibos was on Wednesday night to see Boo!, Taxi Violence, Jan Blohm and see what the hell Oom Groot Tendoor was all about (highly disappointed yet another wanna-be-FOP sorry boys) and it was worth the beer. Chris of Boo! wore his UTC cat suite and they didn’t disappoint at all even if the crowd was small due to another highly paid band (The Parlatones) was jamming it on the main stage. We at MK Kliphard didn’t even hear them over Boo! But I do hear the Tones gave their all despite being tried from their travels.

Back to By Die Maan, No One’s Arc opened the night and of course did not fail to deliver. When they played “Fire” the crowd gave a loud roar and got everyone on their feet, they also played a brand new song and I’m still saying it... Love it! Can’t wait to hear it again, they are shooting their next music video this weekend so good luck Arc’ers! Next up was The Black Hotels and not many know them but they have been around for while on the Powerzone/Soviet label (same as the Parlotones). I spoke to John of The Black Hotels and he is very cool guy, they gave an awesome performance and some of their songs I did recognized from the air play on radio. Thank goodness Mike of Mpower FM stayed away from the tequila and introduce the next act so brilliantly. This was rock and roll, Jax Panik! Man oh man they got the crowd going it was really insane. We can count on one hand the times of how people jumped onto stage with the performing artist that stage was full as in packed by the end of their gig. They proofed to be the most popular act of the whole evening and what a pleasure it was to finally meet them.

Jack Parow was up next and everyone was jamming to his hits like "Cooler as Ekke", "Dans, dans, dans" and many more. I heard that Mister Parow is doing some new work and I love his collaboration with JR and Die Heuwels Fantasties on the song “The Show Goes On” and Mister Parow brought his lovely girlfriend with so sorry girls he is not on the market anymore.

aKING was next and this is how I knew Snake had arrived, I was on my break with my friend Lee and the rest of FOP (or Fokoffpolisiekar) arrived back stage. Next thing I knew in the bar mister Francois van Coke was standing in front of me ordering a drink. Sweet stuff it was to have them all there for the aKING gig and Laudo and the band did not disappoint at all. When I went to watch them perform one of favourite songs “Shine your light” I got hit in the head with a beer can someone threw. Thanks to that asshole I had a headache for the rest of the evening (en ek hoop jy kry ‘n gat kramp). I got myself an aKING shirt which is very cool and got my shot in of antibiotics to pull through the rest of the evening. I disappeared just after 2 am to go to bed since the flu and I didn’t agree with the red wine I was enjoying earlier.

Saturday morning I awoke with the rest of our bar runners to a sunny morning. The cleaning crew was busy I went to offer my services in the kitchen for breakfast. I went back up to walk around the camping area which had like 30 campers for the whole weekend, spent some time on the rocks just enjoying the view and company. After a wonderful breakfast and coffee from Sune in the Moon kitchen I went to bed to sleep off some this horrible flu.

I was not keen for the evening but someone has to do it, I was up and ready by 4pm in the bar which had zero clientèle but it soon started to show. Around 8pm my boss said to me to go have snooze as I looked like shit. Isn’t always so wonderful when everyone else asks you “Are you sick? You look like hell” – duh maybe I do look like this on a permanent basis – anyway trying to sleep on doef-doef music is not so easy. I awoke just before midnight to dress again and go back upstairs to help behind the bar. We kept the bar open but the crowd count was disappointing, there wasn’t a lot of people despite the brilliant 8 DJ line up. I must give credit to Lindsay du Toit a regular at Blue Mooner who can jam to rock and dance music with a bottle of Tassies in one hand. After 02:30 am I went back to sleep and slept like the dead till 10am the next morning, yes you read right.

A brilliant huge awesome thank you to Oom Niel and his runner crew who made sure we well stocked, well run and helped keep the bars clean. Without these youngsters we will not be the A-Team and fellow bartenders. Also to our bosses Pete and Anthony for the opportunity every year to work at Blue Moon during Innibos, I can’t see myself anywhere else but there anyway. Sune and her team for the awesome food, a lot of people gave compliments to you for it, keep it up lit’ sister. And for course to every single person who attended, who Facebook us and their friends about the gig, who tweeted and sms a huge thank you. You guys make these gigs worth every penny and I hope there will be many more awesomeness.< Now I’m going to rest for a while, keep your eyes peeled on the tweets for any upcoming gigs. Remember every Sunday at Pappas Pizza in Nelspruit is free acoustic music, it is someone different every Sunday so please come check it out while enjoying some good food.


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